Instagram announced last week that tests to remove Likes would start in the US as “positive” reactions across other countries continue. With that said, Facebook announced going back to basics as engagement metrics are still the forecasted gage for a post’s success in 2020. What does that mean for all of us? That authenticity and realness are what matters. For content creators and business owners, it’s about making meaningful connections with our audience and client base.
Social Media is on the road back to its origins. It is more than just posting great pictures and waiting for the thumbs up and hearts to start rolling in. Now it will be about the genuine interaction, feedback and commentary within a post. The folks over at Insta say their goal is to relieve pressure by removing the likes, which as a business owner, can create a dilemma. We use those numbers to gage part of the success of a post but now we will have to use other data and pivot. Now more than ever it’s about what you put in.
Think of it as a new friendship. In order for a friendship to grow into something more than just an acquaintance, you have to spend quality time together. Ask questions, share your likes and dislikes, talk about topics that interest you, listen and be interested in them… you get the picture.
The way we do this with our Social Media is by being intentional with what we share and how we spend our time on it. Especially if it is for your business. Tell your audience about yourself and your story. There is a reason you decided to go into business and that is a great place to start building trust.
We all get annoyed with that one girlfriend that does nothing but talk about herself, right? You don’t want to be her. You want to make sure you’re having a two-way conversation with your audience. You can do this by visiting similar accounts, accounts that interest you, or that you admire. Comment and like posts, reply to your messages and share your knowledge and expertise. This will make your connections much more valuable and begin to take your friendships to the next level. Always give VALUE!
One of the most important things to foster in any great relationship is consistency! Show up for your audience and the trust will begin to grow. Next time they are in need of what you offer, your name and brand will be top-of-mind!
Everyone is short on time, I know this first-hand. I’m a wife, mom, business owner, and friend. But I also know that if it’s a priority, I will MAKE time. Make a commitment to yourself to try these new habits. Challenge yourself to do this for ONE WEEK, track your results and let me know what changed for you. I’ve made this quick image you can save to use daily! Add it as your screen saver or lock screen for easy reference, or if you’re old school like me, print it out!
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