Finding the right platform to market and grow your business should not feel like you’re planning a rocket launch to the moon. Seriously, trying to be on all the platforms is the fastest route to overwhelm and burn out. Stop! and sip some coffee girl!

I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be this hard. No, you do not have to be on every single platform on the face of this Earth! Are you totally saying, amen right now?! You’re welcome!
And when one more trending platform develops out of thin air, you can leave it right where it is because you are confident you are right where you need to be.Social media is all about strategy, data and storytelling. You have to plan for the right people who need your story. Let’s read that another way.
All you need is a plan for your ideal client who already needs what you are offering. What does that look like you say? Let me guide you. Here are my top 5 guidelines for choosing the platform that works best for you. It comes with a little exercise just to help you dive a little deeper into who really needs you, your product or services.
Now, let’s get to work!

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