Updated: 22 Dec 2018
We’ve updated our privacy policy to provide clear and direct language surrounding the information we collect, what we use it for, and the few situations in which we share it with others.
We want you to use the Socially Connected products and/or services secure in the knowledge that we take your privacy seriously and that we’ve implemented fair and ethical information practices.
By using our products and/or services, you are accepting the practices described in the below privacy policy, including our use of cookies and similar online tools. If you do not agree to the terms of this privacy policy, please do not use our products and/or services.
Personal Information
When you sign-up for our newsletters, register for webinars, download whitepapers, or similar products and/or services on the Socially Connected property, you voluntarily supply personally identifiable information about yourself.
The personal information that we collect and store may include but is not limited to the following types of information about you:
Unless explicitly stated at the time of collection, personal information is not shared directly with the Socially Connected advertisers.
You can unsubscribe from our newsletters at any point via the link provided in each message we send.
Non-Personal Information
When you use the Socially Connected websites, mobile apps, newsletters, or other digital products and/or services, we collect additional non-personally identifiable information.
This includes, but is not limited to, data about your device, browser, operating system, your IP address, general location information, page information, and the date and time of each request you make to the Socially Connected.
This non-personal information may be collected through various technologies, including but not limited to server logs, cookies, and web beacons.
We may use information gathered across our network of websites, mobile apps, newsletters, and other products to create a single user record. Additionally, we may use or combine information that we collect or receive from outside third-party sources to enhance, expand, and check the accuracy of our records.
We use your data for the following purposes:
We will not use the information provided to us in ways unrelated to the ones described above.
We may share information collected about you under the following conditions:
Like many websites, we use cookies, web beacons and similar technologies to record your preferences, track the use of our products and services and your exposure to our online advertisements. We may also use these technologies to monitor traffic, improve the products and services and make it easier and/or relevant for your use. For example, we may recommend articles similar to the ones you’re reading or display advertisements that you haven’t already seen.
Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but, if you prefer, you can usually modify your browser setting to disable or reject cookies. If you delete your cookies or if you set your web browser to decline cookies, some features may not work or may not work as designed.
Some browsers make it possible for you to signal that you don’t want your Internet browsing activity to be tracked. Since the Internet community hasn’t reached a consensus on how to honor these signals, we don’t take action to Do-Not-Track requests at this time.
We allow third-party advertisers to display advertisements on our sites and in our products and services. These third-party advertisers and related ad-serving companies may use cookies alone or in conjunction with tracking technologies such as web beacons to collect information about you when you use the Socially Connected products and/or services.
We will not provide these online advertisers with access to any personally identifiable information you may have provided to us without your consent. Advertisers may, however, use persistent identifiers to track your internet usage across other websites in their networks beyond our websites. While we will not provide these advertisers with personally identifiable information, they may already possess personally identifiable information about you, obtained from other sources, and may be able to combine that information with information behavioral data collected when you use the Socially Connected products and/or services. For example, whether you engaged with their advertisement when it was displayed.
We do not control these third parties’ tracking technologies, how they may be used, or the information they may collect and we are not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of those third parties.
If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, you may so by visiting www.aboutads.info/ or networkadvertising.org/choices/ or www.youronlinechoices.eu/.
We will retain your Personal Data for as long as you maintain an account or as otherwise necessary to provide you the Services. We will also retain your Personal Data in a secure backup system for a reasonable period of time in order to assure reliable service and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, protect our network security, and enforce our agreements.
Where we no longer need to process your Personal Data for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, we will delete your Personal Data from our systems.
Where permissible, we will also delete your Personal Data upon your request.
Our Properties may contain links to third-party websites or mobile applications. Please be aware that we do not control these linked websites and that this Privacy Policy does not apply to those websites.
Our Properties are not intended for children under the age of 16, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 16.
We may change this privacy policy from time to time. We will post changes in this policy, and suggest that you periodically revisit this policy to stay informed of any changes.
We take reasonable measures to help protect data we collect from unauthorized access and use. We cannot, however, fully eliminate security risks associated with the storage and transmission of Personal Data.
If you have questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at: privacy@thesociallyconnected.com or write to us at:
The Socially Connected
634 W. Cavalcade St. P.O. Box 8944 Houston, TX 77009
The Socially Connected
Version: December 2018
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive European Union data privacy law designed to strengthen and unify data protection laws for all residents of the EU. It will go into effect on May 25, 2018.
The Socially Connected is fully committed to being compliant with GDPR by the regulations effective date.
While the vast majority of the Socially Connected’s users do not reside in the European Union, the Socially Connected is fully committed to protecting our readers and clients privacy. To insure compliance with GDPR prior to the effective day, we have taken the following steps.
EU users of the Socially Connected products can request a copy of the information we collect on them or asked to be deleted from our systems by contacting us via privacy@thesociallyconnected.com.
Jennifer Perez Medina, CEO
The Socially Connected
634 W. Cavalcade St. P.O. Box 8944 Houston, TX 77009